"It's absolutely true. Mom really did have a took, a different grimace for every occasion. But I'll tell you something I've never told anyone before: The strangest of all Mom's looks was the one she reserved for any mention of Scott Bernard. Seriously. For the longest time I was convinced that they'd had an affair or something. But then one day Mom told me about the time he stopped by looking for Marlene. There was that look again, the whole time she told the story. And I suddenly realized that I wasn't seeing one of those what-might-have-been looks but one that was saying what-never-should-have-been.
Maria Bartley-Rand, quoted in Xandu Reem's A Stranger at Home: A Biography of Scott Bernard
“完 全正确。母亲在不同的场合确实需要扮演不同的角色。但是我要告诉你们我从来没有说过的是:所有的母亲最奇怪的神色出现在斯科特•伯纳德说话的时候。我是很 严肃的说的。我花了很长的时间确信他们在恋爱。直到有一天母亲告诉我她遇到了玛琳。她在讲述的整个过程中都带着那种奇怪的神情。我突然认识到我从来没有见 过这样的神情。”
Scott breathed a sigh of relief as he felt the craft settle down, rubber tires chirping against the tarmac on a smooth but long disused stretch of Southlands highway. Mission priorities and the usual red tape had made it impossible for him to procure an old VTOL, much less an Alpha, so Scott was stuck with a forty-year-old air breather, a civilian five-passenger jet some group in G4 must have liberated from a pre-Wars museum. They'd blown the dust off the thing and fitted it with new rubber, but the cockpit had seen far better days, and the instruments were ancient. Scott's biggest problem was refraining from trying to think the aircraft through mechamorph maneuvers. A lot of good that would have done, anyway; the thing wasn't even equipped with a neural interface thinking cap!
当飞机开始降落,轮胎接触到南大陆的一条长长的平滑的柏油高速公路后,斯科特长舒了一口气。任务的优先级别不高使得斯 科特不能够使用垂直起降飞机,更不用说阿尔法了,因此斯科特只能乘坐这一架看上去仿佛从战前博物馆中拖出来,服役了40多年的民用五座喷气飞机。机身上的 灰尘被清洗干净了,也换上了新的轮胎,但是驾驶舱和里面的仪表就是老古董了。斯科特最大的困难在于如何去克服不去用变形机甲的思维来驾驶这架飞机。许多应 该装备的都没有,甚至没有思维帽!
Priorities aside, though, there were good reasons for flying civilian and denying any military affiliation just then. Earth's surface, the Southlands especially, had become a sorry place for soldiers. With the so-called fall of Reflex Point and the Invid abandonment of their hives, Flower of Life orchards, and POW camps, humankind was once more on the move. People were quite literally crawling out of the holes they had buried themselves in when the Invid had landed. Tens of thousands, many of whom had spent the past year or more in internment centers in what had once been called Canada, were migrating south from the ruined Northlands, lured to Brazilas by rumors of massive reconstruction efforts and the promise of a United Earth Government rising from the ashes of the Southern Cross apparat. At the same time thousands more had taken to the cracked and rutted roadways of the thrice-invaded world in search of lost friends and loved ones, while others busied themselves by exacting vengeance on spies, sympathizers, and any who had profited during the occupation.
如果不考虑优先 级别的话,驾驶民用飞机还有有些好处的。地球的表面,特别是南大陆,对于飞行员来说就是一块伤心地。随着所谓反射点的坍塌,因维人放弃了他们的蜂房、生命 之花种植园以及战俘营,人类又重新开始活动了。人们从因维人到来后藏身的洞穴中爬出来,成千上万的人在过去的一年多时间内从荒废的北方大陆(曾经的加拿 大)移民到了南大陆,进行大量的重建工作,并希冀从南十字军的废墟中能重新建立起新的联合地球政府。与此同时,更多的人在经历的三次战争的遗存中寻找着失 去联系的朋友和亲人,也有一些人忙于向间谍,外星人同情者以及任何从因维人的占领中获得好处的人宣泄着仇恨。
Soldiers of any army, private or otherwise, were often at the receiving end of the general wrath and blood lust, espe璫ially those unfortunates who had fancied themselves insurgents or freedom fighters. It was an accepted fact that insurgency had done more damage than good-Invid reprisals having far outweighed the dubious worth of destroying a handful of Shock Troopers or Pincer ships-and that the Regis had not really been defeated but had willingly abandoned the planet in search of richer hunting grounds. The returning REF consequently was not looked upon as some beneficent force of liberators but as yet another conquering army, a gang of thugs looking to resume control after a fifteen-year absence.
任 何部队的士兵,无论是列兵或者其他任何军衔,都会成为愤怒和仇恨的对象,尤其是那些曾经自认为是反抗者或者是自由战士的倒霉蛋们。一个大家都接受的事实 是:反抗行动造成的损失远大于应该有的好处,不仅仅是打掉一些因维人的震爆机或者蟹形飞船,而且雷吉斯并没有被真正击败,她只是主动地放弃了地球去寻找更 适合因维人的地方。返回的远征军并没有被当作解放地球的力量,而是另一支进行征服的军队,一群希望重新掌控失去了15年的地球的暴徒。
Under the circumstances, Scott's small jet was less a product of choice than of sheer necessity. And the same held true for his civilian attire.
Mention of the Invid sister simulagents had dropped him right back into the lap of the REF's intel people for two more weeks of memory probes and debriefings. Ultimately, however, Scott's inquisitors had come to accept that Marlene's present whereabouts were unknown and that Scott himself stood the best chance of finding her. That he had agreed to do, under the condition that he be given an opportunity to undertake the search alone and in his own fashion.
G2 had acquiesced, figuring that it would prove a simple matter to assign a team of agents to the colonel, but Vince Grant had received word of the operation and vetoed it before a single operative had been assigned. Back on the surface, meanwhile, Scott had been quizzing migrants, bribing local officials, and bartering with foragers for a line on any one of his six former teammates-counting one for Lancer, and Marlene among them. He had concentrated on Rand, who months ago at Yellow Dancer's final concert had said something about heading for the outskirts of Norristown, where he planned to write his memoirs.
G2默许了 他的做法,同时暗地里打算指派一些特工进行跟踪,但是他们的想法很快就被文斯•格兰特知道并在实际操作之前否决了。同时当斯科特返回到了地面之后不断的通 过询问外来的移民,贿赂当地的官员,以及与一些打劫者作交易,以便找出他以前那6个队友的消息,包括兰瑟和玛琳。他的注意力集中在兰德,因为几个月前的黄 衣舞者音乐会后他就去了诺瑞斯镇的近郊,开始创作回忆录。
A downside week had gone by before Scott locked onto what seemed a worthy lead, and that lead had now brought him and the toy jet to Xochil, a pueblo not far off the route the team had taken through Trenchtown, in the heart of the Southlands.
A tatterdemalion crowd of vacant-eyed townspeople and rough-trade foragers was gathered around the craft by the time Scott raised the canopy and climbed out. He answered a few questions about the state of things on the north coast in exchange for information on Rand and, for five hundred New Scrip (with a promise of that much again when he returned from town), enlisted the services of a couple of locals sporting turn-of-the-century military-issue projectile rifles to keep an eye on the jet.
斯科特打开舱盖爬出驾驶室时,发现飞机周围围满了衣衫褴褛,目光空洞的小镇居民,以及一些初级的打劫者。他 回答了他们有关北海岸目前事态的一些问题,以交换关于兰德的信息。他付给了装备着世纪初的步枪的一队当地武装人员500当地货币来看守他的飞机,并答应返 回时再付给同样多的数目。
Twenty minutes later he was negotiating a narrow alley off Xochil's earthen main street, zeroing in on the throaty revvings of what he took to be a fossil-fueled motorcycle engine.
Rook Bartley was standing alongside the chopped machine, twisting the handlebar throttle with her right hand while her left ponytailed her long strawberry-blond hair. Seeing her, Scott smiled genuinely for the first time in weeks.
She was dressed in mechanic's coveralls, back and rolled up sleeves emblazoned with motorcycle brand-name patches. She was also quite a few pounds heavier than when they had exchanged good-byes, her hands and one cheek smeared with grease and grime. Scott waited for the bike's growling sounds to die down before he called her name.
Someone's metal-rock rendition of "好起来" was blasting from stereo speakers. The song had become something of an anthem in the Southlands, much as Lynn-Minmei's "We Will Win" had captured the spirit of the First Robotech War.
立体声喇叭大声的播放着某位歌手演绎的金属摇滚乐“Look Up”。在南大陆,这首歌已经成为了某种圣歌,就如同林明美演唱的那首代表着第一次洛波特战争精神的“我们会赢”。
Rook turned, startled, and regarded him quizzically for a good ten seconds before a smile split her freckled face. "Well, now maybe all this exhaust is getting to me, but I'd swear that's Scott Bernard standing in the doorway."
"Hello, Rook," he told her over the music and the rumbling sound of the idling machine.
She shook her head in disbelief, wiped her hands on a scrap of towel, and sauntered over to embrace him, kissing him lightly on the mouth and then jabbing a fist into his upper arm.
"I thought you were off looking for your friends, soldier boy. Figured you'd be halfway to Tirol by now." Rook's blue eyes gave him a quick once-over. "And look at you-what'd the REF boot you back into real life or something?"
"You look great," he said, beaming.
Rook took a step back and pinched out the coveralls' pants legs as though she were wearing a skirt. "You think so, huh?"
Scott nodded. "Guess you're eating better now."
Rook laughed. "Figures you'd notice, Scott. Fact is, I'm pregnant. "
"Pregnant? Jeez, I thought there was something different, but-"
"Six months," she said. "She's going to be a Virgo if I've computed it right. But then I figure it's about time they changed the signs of the zodiac, don't you?"
"She?" Scott said.
Rook smiled broadly. "Call it woman's intuition. Rand's skeptical, but I've even got her name picked out-Maria. Maria Bartley. What d' you think?"
Scott ran it through and nodded. "I like the sound of it. So this place is yours?" he asked after a pause. In the naked glare of generator fed incandescents sat a score of partly restored bikes. There were perhaps a dozen engines resting on blocks, spoked wheels hanging from the rafters, rusted frames and spare parts piled in corners or littering the top of thick wooden worktables. The air reeked of solvents and exhaust fumes.
"Will be someday," Rook said, looking around. "Right now I'm only helping out." She caressed her stomach. "Gotta keep the family fed."
"Why here, of all places?"
Rook tugged at her lower lip. "Trenchtown, mostly." Scott recalled something about rival motorcycle gangs in Rook's past, the Blue Angels and the Red Snakes. "You've got family there, don't you?"
"Mom and a sister. Guess I'm thinking about mending fences one of these days."
Scott grinned. "What about Rand?"
Rook screwed up her face. "The Great Commentator, you mean?" She jerked a thumb over her shoulder. "We found a place a couple clicks west of town. All he does is write morning, noon, and night. Like there's going to be an audience for his book or something."
"Have you read any of it?"
"Yeah, I have," she said, moving back to the cycle she had been working on. "And it's actually not bad. 'Course I have to straighten him out on a lot of the facts. To hear him tell it, you'd think he won the war single-handed." Rook was quiet for a moment. "So what brings you around, Scott? I don't figure you just happened to be in the neighborhood."
"I'm not," Scott confessed. "I'm looking for Marlene, Rook."
Rook appraised him silently. "Talk about mending fences ... That oughta be some reunion, partner. You plan on selling tickets, or what?"
Scott worked his jaw. "Have you heard from her, Rook?" Rook goosed the throttle, and the bike sent up a cloud of white smoke. "Think you better talk to Rand, soldier boy. I don't want to get in the middle of this one."
Scott recognized examples of Rand's handiwork in the dilapidated wooden cabin he and Rook called home. It was not much to look at on the outside, but the two main rooms were comfortable if Spartan and reflected Rand's utilitarian nature. Scott also recognized the small notebooks stacked atop the writing desk, the ones Rand had guarded with his life during the journey to Reflex Point.
在被兰德和露可称为家的那个废弃小木屋里面,斯科特 辨认出了兰德自制的一些物品。从外面来看相当简陋,但是这样的两个房间对于兰德(这样实用主义的人)来说已经很舒服了。斯科特同时又注意到了写字台上面摆 放的那些小型笔记本,那些在前往反射点的旅途中兰德曾经用生命保护的笔记本。
"Here you go," Rand said, handing over a tall mug of home-brewed beer and pulling a stool opposite Scott's chair. "I bottled it when we first moved in."
Rand had already explained how Rook had enticed an REF Alpha pilot to fly them down to Norristown after Scott had taken off for the skies.
"What's weird is that I was just thinking about you," Rand resumed. "I was reading in my notes about the day you and I met. The time I saved your ass from three blues."
Scott almost spewed his beer across the room. "You saved my-" He wiped his mouth on his sleeve, deciding it didn't merit an argument. "Right, I remember now."
"Yeah, those were the days," Rand mused, shaking his shaggy mop of red hair. "Foraging; surviving on the road . . ." He looked up at Scott. "I'm going to call the book Notes on the Run."
"Your baby, is that it?"
Rand's thick eyebrows bobbed. "So Rook told you. She also give you that intuition crap about her being sure it's a girl?"
"Maria, I think she said."
"Yeah, well, don't put scrip on it." Rand sipped his grog. "Either way it goes, though, I'm going to make sure the kid is raised to appreciate books and movies and learning in general." He gestured to the writing desk. "Maybe she'll even end up a writer like her old man."
"You said `she,' Rand," Scott pointed out.
They both laughed, but it was not long before an uncomfortable pause crept into their conversation. When Scott mentioned Marlene, Rand's smile collapsed entirely.
"What do want from her, Scott?" Rand asked.
"I just need to talk to her. That's all I can tell you right now. "
"And I don't suppose you can tell me anything about why most of the Cyclones have stopped working either. Lot of unemployed 'Culture hounds wandering around out there all of a sudden, amigo."
"Sorry, Rand," Scott told him. "We're all in the same dark."
Rand smirked. "Same ol' soldier. What is it-your REF people want to debrief her?"
Scott shot to his feet. "Hey, you think this is easy for me? You think I want it? I look at her and I see the Marlene I loved. I look at her and I think about what the Invid did to us."
Rand rolled his eyes. "Oh, for chrissakes."
"The Regis planned to exterminate us, Rand," Scott snarled. "You don't remember that? The Flowers had hit their goddamned trigger point. If the fleet hadn't returned, we'd all be dead."
Rand stood up. "Yeah, and if the Regis hadn't decided to leave when she did, your precious fleet-" He pointed toward the ceiling. "-your precious fleet would have irradiated the lot of us!"
"You'd rather let the Invid have this planet?"
"I'd rather none of this happened, Scott. But I don't see how dragging Marlene back into it's going to serve any purpose now. She's living a normal life, Scott. Let her be."
"Where is she; Rand?" Scott pressed. "It's possible she knows where my friends are."
Rand regarded him. "The SDF-3? How do you figure?"
Scott forced out his breath. "The ship didn't emerge from hyperspace. Relatively speaking, it vanished at the same moment the Invid left Earth."
"So you figure what?"
"That they may have ended up in the same place." Scott held Rand's gaze. "It's possible Marlene is still in rapport with the Regis. That's why I need to talk to her, Rand."
The smaller man shook his head. "You're putting me between the proverbial rock and the hard place, mano."
"Just tell me where she is, Rand."
Rand took a long pull from his mug. "She's with Lunk and Annie. They're in Roca Negra."
Scott tried to place it.
"Remember the book Lunk tried to deliver to Alfred Nader?"
"Of course," Scott said in sudden realization.
"That's where you'll find them."
"Thanks, Rand. "
Reluctantly, Rand accepted the proffered hand. "One thing, Scott," he said when they were seated again. "Lunk's not going to be as easy on you as I was."
Maria Bartley-Rand, quoted in Xandu Reem's A Stranger at Home: A Biography of Scott Bernard
“完 全正确。母亲在不同的场合确实需要扮演不同的角色。但是我要告诉你们我从来没有说过的是:所有的母亲最奇怪的神色出现在斯科特•伯纳德说话的时候。我是很 严肃的说的。我花了很长的时间确信他们在恋爱。直到有一天母亲告诉我她遇到了玛琳。她在讲述的整个过程中都带着那种奇怪的神情。我突然认识到我从来没有见 过这样的神情。”
Scott breathed a sigh of relief as he felt the craft settle down, rubber tires chirping against the tarmac on a smooth but long disused stretch of Southlands highway. Mission priorities and the usual red tape had made it impossible for him to procure an old VTOL, much less an Alpha, so Scott was stuck with a forty-year-old air breather, a civilian five-passenger jet some group in G4 must have liberated from a pre-Wars museum. They'd blown the dust off the thing and fitted it with new rubber, but the cockpit had seen far better days, and the instruments were ancient. Scott's biggest problem was refraining from trying to think the aircraft through mechamorph maneuvers. A lot of good that would have done, anyway; the thing wasn't even equipped with a neural interface thinking cap!
当飞机开始降落,轮胎接触到南大陆的一条长长的平滑的柏油高速公路后,斯科特长舒了一口气。任务的优先级别不高使得斯 科特不能够使用垂直起降飞机,更不用说阿尔法了,因此斯科特只能乘坐这一架看上去仿佛从战前博物馆中拖出来,服役了40多年的民用五座喷气飞机。机身上的 灰尘被清洗干净了,也换上了新的轮胎,但是驾驶舱和里面的仪表就是老古董了。斯科特最大的困难在于如何去克服不去用变形机甲的思维来驾驶这架飞机。许多应 该装备的都没有,甚至没有思维帽!
Priorities aside, though, there were good reasons for flying civilian and denying any military affiliation just then. Earth's surface, the Southlands especially, had become a sorry place for soldiers. With the so-called fall of Reflex Point and the Invid abandonment of their hives, Flower of Life orchards, and POW camps, humankind was once more on the move. People were quite literally crawling out of the holes they had buried themselves in when the Invid had landed. Tens of thousands, many of whom had spent the past year or more in internment centers in what had once been called Canada, were migrating south from the ruined Northlands, lured to Brazilas by rumors of massive reconstruction efforts and the promise of a United Earth Government rising from the ashes of the Southern Cross apparat. At the same time thousands more had taken to the cracked and rutted roadways of the thrice-invaded world in search of lost friends and loved ones, while others busied themselves by exacting vengeance on spies, sympathizers, and any who had profited during the occupation.
如果不考虑优先 级别的话,驾驶民用飞机还有有些好处的。地球的表面,特别是南大陆,对于飞行员来说就是一块伤心地。随着所谓反射点的坍塌,因维人放弃了他们的蜂房、生命 之花种植园以及战俘营,人类又重新开始活动了。人们从因维人到来后藏身的洞穴中爬出来,成千上万的人在过去的一年多时间内从荒废的北方大陆(曾经的加拿 大)移民到了南大陆,进行大量的重建工作,并希冀从南十字军的废墟中能重新建立起新的联合地球政府。与此同时,更多的人在经历的三次战争的遗存中寻找着失 去联系的朋友和亲人,也有一些人忙于向间谍,外星人同情者以及任何从因维人的占领中获得好处的人宣泄着仇恨。
Soldiers of any army, private or otherwise, were often at the receiving end of the general wrath and blood lust, espe璫ially those unfortunates who had fancied themselves insurgents or freedom fighters. It was an accepted fact that insurgency had done more damage than good-Invid reprisals having far outweighed the dubious worth of destroying a handful of Shock Troopers or Pincer ships-and that the Regis had not really been defeated but had willingly abandoned the planet in search of richer hunting grounds. The returning REF consequently was not looked upon as some beneficent force of liberators but as yet another conquering army, a gang of thugs looking to resume control after a fifteen-year absence.
任 何部队的士兵,无论是列兵或者其他任何军衔,都会成为愤怒和仇恨的对象,尤其是那些曾经自认为是反抗者或者是自由战士的倒霉蛋们。一个大家都接受的事实 是:反抗行动造成的损失远大于应该有的好处,不仅仅是打掉一些因维人的震爆机或者蟹形飞船,而且雷吉斯并没有被真正击败,她只是主动地放弃了地球去寻找更 适合因维人的地方。返回的远征军并没有被当作解放地球的力量,而是另一支进行征服的军队,一群希望重新掌控失去了15年的地球的暴徒。
Under the circumstances, Scott's small jet was less a product of choice than of sheer necessity. And the same held true for his civilian attire.
Mention of the Invid sister simulagents had dropped him right back into the lap of the REF's intel people for two more weeks of memory probes and debriefings. Ultimately, however, Scott's inquisitors had come to accept that Marlene's present whereabouts were unknown and that Scott himself stood the best chance of finding her. That he had agreed to do, under the condition that he be given an opportunity to undertake the search alone and in his own fashion.
G2 had acquiesced, figuring that it would prove a simple matter to assign a team of agents to the colonel, but Vince Grant had received word of the operation and vetoed it before a single operative had been assigned. Back on the surface, meanwhile, Scott had been quizzing migrants, bribing local officials, and bartering with foragers for a line on any one of his six former teammates-counting one for Lancer, and Marlene among them. He had concentrated on Rand, who months ago at Yellow Dancer's final concert had said something about heading for the outskirts of Norristown, where he planned to write his memoirs.
G2默许了 他的做法,同时暗地里打算指派一些特工进行跟踪,但是他们的想法很快就被文斯•格兰特知道并在实际操作之前否决了。同时当斯科特返回到了地面之后不断的通 过询问外来的移民,贿赂当地的官员,以及与一些打劫者作交易,以便找出他以前那6个队友的消息,包括兰瑟和玛琳。他的注意力集中在兰德,因为几个月前的黄 衣舞者音乐会后他就去了诺瑞斯镇的近郊,开始创作回忆录。
A downside week had gone by before Scott locked onto what seemed a worthy lead, and that lead had now brought him and the toy jet to Xochil, a pueblo not far off the route the team had taken through Trenchtown, in the heart of the Southlands.
A tatterdemalion crowd of vacant-eyed townspeople and rough-trade foragers was gathered around the craft by the time Scott raised the canopy and climbed out. He answered a few questions about the state of things on the north coast in exchange for information on Rand and, for five hundred New Scrip (with a promise of that much again when he returned from town), enlisted the services of a couple of locals sporting turn-of-the-century military-issue projectile rifles to keep an eye on the jet.
斯科特打开舱盖爬出驾驶室时,发现飞机周围围满了衣衫褴褛,目光空洞的小镇居民,以及一些初级的打劫者。他 回答了他们有关北海岸目前事态的一些问题,以交换关于兰德的信息。他付给了装备着世纪初的步枪的一队当地武装人员500当地货币来看守他的飞机,并答应返 回时再付给同样多的数目。
Twenty minutes later he was negotiating a narrow alley off Xochil's earthen main street, zeroing in on the throaty revvings of what he took to be a fossil-fueled motorcycle engine.
Rook Bartley was standing alongside the chopped machine, twisting the handlebar throttle with her right hand while her left ponytailed her long strawberry-blond hair. Seeing her, Scott smiled genuinely for the first time in weeks.
She was dressed in mechanic's coveralls, back and rolled up sleeves emblazoned with motorcycle brand-name patches. She was also quite a few pounds heavier than when they had exchanged good-byes, her hands and one cheek smeared with grease and grime. Scott waited for the bike's growling sounds to die down before he called her name.
Someone's metal-rock rendition of "好起来" was blasting from stereo speakers. The song had become something of an anthem in the Southlands, much as Lynn-Minmei's "We Will Win" had captured the spirit of the First Robotech War.
立体声喇叭大声的播放着某位歌手演绎的金属摇滚乐“Look Up”。在南大陆,这首歌已经成为了某种圣歌,就如同林明美演唱的那首代表着第一次洛波特战争精神的“我们会赢”。
Rook turned, startled, and regarded him quizzically for a good ten seconds before a smile split her freckled face. "Well, now maybe all this exhaust is getting to me, but I'd swear that's Scott Bernard standing in the doorway."
"Hello, Rook," he told her over the music and the rumbling sound of the idling machine.
She shook her head in disbelief, wiped her hands on a scrap of towel, and sauntered over to embrace him, kissing him lightly on the mouth and then jabbing a fist into his upper arm.
"I thought you were off looking for your friends, soldier boy. Figured you'd be halfway to Tirol by now." Rook's blue eyes gave him a quick once-over. "And look at you-what'd the REF boot you back into real life or something?"
"You look great," he said, beaming.
Rook took a step back and pinched out the coveralls' pants legs as though she were wearing a skirt. "You think so, huh?"
Scott nodded. "Guess you're eating better now."
Rook laughed. "Figures you'd notice, Scott. Fact is, I'm pregnant. "
"Pregnant? Jeez, I thought there was something different, but-"
"Six months," she said. "She's going to be a Virgo if I've computed it right. But then I figure it's about time they changed the signs of the zodiac, don't you?"
"She?" Scott said.
Rook smiled broadly. "Call it woman's intuition. Rand's skeptical, but I've even got her name picked out-Maria. Maria Bartley. What d' you think?"
Scott ran it through and nodded. "I like the sound of it. So this place is yours?" he asked after a pause. In the naked glare of generator fed incandescents sat a score of partly restored bikes. There were perhaps a dozen engines resting on blocks, spoked wheels hanging from the rafters, rusted frames and spare parts piled in corners or littering the top of thick wooden worktables. The air reeked of solvents and exhaust fumes.
"Will be someday," Rook said, looking around. "Right now I'm only helping out." She caressed her stomach. "Gotta keep the family fed."
"Why here, of all places?"
Rook tugged at her lower lip. "Trenchtown, mostly." Scott recalled something about rival motorcycle gangs in Rook's past, the Blue Angels and the Red Snakes. "You've got family there, don't you?"
"Mom and a sister. Guess I'm thinking about mending fences one of these days."
Scott grinned. "What about Rand?"
Rook screwed up her face. "The Great Commentator, you mean?" She jerked a thumb over her shoulder. "We found a place a couple clicks west of town. All he does is write morning, noon, and night. Like there's going to be an audience for his book or something."
"Have you read any of it?"
"Yeah, I have," she said, moving back to the cycle she had been working on. "And it's actually not bad. 'Course I have to straighten him out on a lot of the facts. To hear him tell it, you'd think he won the war single-handed." Rook was quiet for a moment. "So what brings you around, Scott? I don't figure you just happened to be in the neighborhood."
"I'm not," Scott confessed. "I'm looking for Marlene, Rook."
Rook appraised him silently. "Talk about mending fences ... That oughta be some reunion, partner. You plan on selling tickets, or what?"
Scott worked his jaw. "Have you heard from her, Rook?" Rook goosed the throttle, and the bike sent up a cloud of white smoke. "Think you better talk to Rand, soldier boy. I don't want to get in the middle of this one."
Scott recognized examples of Rand's handiwork in the dilapidated wooden cabin he and Rook called home. It was not much to look at on the outside, but the two main rooms were comfortable if Spartan and reflected Rand's utilitarian nature. Scott also recognized the small notebooks stacked atop the writing desk, the ones Rand had guarded with his life during the journey to Reflex Point.
在被兰德和露可称为家的那个废弃小木屋里面,斯科特 辨认出了兰德自制的一些物品。从外面来看相当简陋,但是这样的两个房间对于兰德(这样实用主义的人)来说已经很舒服了。斯科特同时又注意到了写字台上面摆 放的那些小型笔记本,那些在前往反射点的旅途中兰德曾经用生命保护的笔记本。
"Here you go," Rand said, handing over a tall mug of home-brewed beer and pulling a stool opposite Scott's chair. "I bottled it when we first moved in."
Rand had already explained how Rook had enticed an REF Alpha pilot to fly them down to Norristown after Scott had taken off for the skies.
"What's weird is that I was just thinking about you," Rand resumed. "I was reading in my notes about the day you and I met. The time I saved your ass from three blues."
Scott almost spewed his beer across the room. "You saved my-" He wiped his mouth on his sleeve, deciding it didn't merit an argument. "Right, I remember now."
"Yeah, those were the days," Rand mused, shaking his shaggy mop of red hair. "Foraging; surviving on the road . . ." He looked up at Scott. "I'm going to call the book Notes on the Run."
"Your baby, is that it?"
Rand's thick eyebrows bobbed. "So Rook told you. She also give you that intuition crap about her being sure it's a girl?"
"Maria, I think she said."
"Yeah, well, don't put scrip on it." Rand sipped his grog. "Either way it goes, though, I'm going to make sure the kid is raised to appreciate books and movies and learning in general." He gestured to the writing desk. "Maybe she'll even end up a writer like her old man."
"You said `she,' Rand," Scott pointed out.
They both laughed, but it was not long before an uncomfortable pause crept into their conversation. When Scott mentioned Marlene, Rand's smile collapsed entirely.
"What do want from her, Scott?" Rand asked.
"I just need to talk to her. That's all I can tell you right now. "
"And I don't suppose you can tell me anything about why most of the Cyclones have stopped working either. Lot of unemployed 'Culture hounds wandering around out there all of a sudden, amigo."
"Sorry, Rand," Scott told him. "We're all in the same dark."
Rand smirked. "Same ol' soldier. What is it-your REF people want to debrief her?"
Scott shot to his feet. "Hey, you think this is easy for me? You think I want it? I look at her and I see the Marlene I loved. I look at her and I think about what the Invid did to us."
Rand rolled his eyes. "Oh, for chrissakes."
"The Regis planned to exterminate us, Rand," Scott snarled. "You don't remember that? The Flowers had hit their goddamned trigger point. If the fleet hadn't returned, we'd all be dead."
Rand stood up. "Yeah, and if the Regis hadn't decided to leave when she did, your precious fleet-" He pointed toward the ceiling. "-your precious fleet would have irradiated the lot of us!"
"You'd rather let the Invid have this planet?"
"I'd rather none of this happened, Scott. But I don't see how dragging Marlene back into it's going to serve any purpose now. She's living a normal life, Scott. Let her be."
"Where is she; Rand?" Scott pressed. "It's possible she knows where my friends are."
Rand regarded him. "The SDF-3? How do you figure?"
Scott forced out his breath. "The ship didn't emerge from hyperspace. Relatively speaking, it vanished at the same moment the Invid left Earth."
"So you figure what?"
"That they may have ended up in the same place." Scott held Rand's gaze. "It's possible Marlene is still in rapport with the Regis. That's why I need to talk to her, Rand."
The smaller man shook his head. "You're putting me between the proverbial rock and the hard place, mano."
"Just tell me where she is, Rand."
Rand took a long pull from his mug. "She's with Lunk and Annie. They're in Roca Negra."
Scott tried to place it.
"Remember the book Lunk tried to deliver to Alfred Nader?"
"Of course," Scott said in sudden realization.
"That's where you'll find them."
"Thanks, Rand. "
Reluctantly, Rand accepted the proffered hand. "One thing, Scott," he said when they were seated again. "Lunk's not going to be as easy on you as I was."