把这时期的北极探险写成一部小说的想法,来自雷诺夫·费恩斯爵士(Ranulph Fiennes)在Race to the Pole:Tragedy,Heroism,and Scott Antarctic Quest(Hyperion,2004)一书中谈到富兰克林探险队的一小段注解(几乎只是个注脚)。那本书谈论的极地其实是南极。
Scott Cookman,Ice Blink:The Tragic Fate of Sir John Franklin'S Lost PolarExpedition(John Wiley&Sons,Inc,2000)
Owen Beattie/John Geiger,Frozen in Time:The Fate of the Franklin Expedition(Greystone Books,Douglas&McIntyre,1987)
Pierre Berton,The Arctic Grail:The Quest for the Northwest Passage and theNorth Pole,1818-1909(Second Lyons Press Edition,2000)
约翰·富兰克林爵士的Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar sea(John Murray,1823);Narrative of a Second Expedition to the Shores of the Polar Sea(John Murray,1828)
Richard Cyriax,Sir John Franklin Last Arctic Expedition(ASM Press,1939);Chris Ware,The Bomb Vessel(Naval Institute Press,1994)
F.L.M'Clintock,A Narrative of the Discovery of the Fate of Sir John Franklin(John Murray,1859)
In Quest of the Northwest Passage(Longmans,Green&Co,1958)
Peter Sutherland,Journal of a Voyage in Baffin'S Bay and Barrow Straits,in theYears l850-51,Performed by H.M.Ships“Lady Franklin”and“Sophia”Underthe Command of Mr.William Penny,in Search of the Missing Crew of H.M.Ships“Erebus”and“Terror”(Longman,Grown,Green and Longmans,1852)
Elisha Kent Kane,Arctic Expeditions in Search of Sir John Franklin(T.Nelson&Sons,1898)
网际网络也是我查阅原始资料的主要途径,包括:剑桥大学Scott PolarResearch Institute里的Francis Crozier Collection;Sophia Cracroft Collection;SophiaCracroft correspondence;Notes for the Memoir of Jane Franklin。此外,还有英国海军部、皇家海军及皇家海军陆战队的记录中关于船员名录、日期,及官方文件的一些细节记载;英国内政部的记录;英国最高法院关于葛德纳罐头瑕疵状况的一些正式调查报告。
最后,我要诚挚地感谢我的经纪人Richard Curtis;我在Little Brown的第一位编辑Michael Mezzo,现在的编辑Reagan Arthur,以及——一如既往——凯伦和珍恩·西蒙斯,她们鼓励我继续向前走,并且当我还在做非常漫长的极地探险时,耐心地等着我回来。